Current Local time in Jaboticabal, Brazil

Question: What time is it in Jaboticabal? Answer: Jaboticabal (São Paulo) is located in "-03" time zone [*1] (GMT offset in hours: -3) and daylight saving time is NOT active ⇒ Current Local time is (in moment when this page is generated): Friday, 20. September 2024, 22:02 Refresh page if necessary

Time change

Jaboticabal will switch to Standard (winter) time at 00:14, Tuesday, 19 January 2038. Clock set: 0 h. Time left: 4868 day, 2 hour(s), 11 minutes. (in moment when this page is generated)

» Jaboticabal Time change 2024, 2025 (America/Sao_Paulo) »

Jaboticabal info:
Country: Brazil
Currency: BRL, Real
Continent: South America
Population: ≈ 69 394 = 0.345‰ BRA Population
Elevation: ≈ 606 m
GPS coordinates 21° 15' 17" South, 48° 19' 20" West
Distance from * Equator: 2363.3 km (1468.5 mi)
Distance from * South pole: 7643.8 km (4749.6 mi)
Languages: [*2] Portuguese/Brazil (+3)
AC power plug 127 V,220 V • 60 Hz • C,N [*3]
Jaboticabal on map

Set Jaboticabal as your default city

Time of day in Jaboticabal now



Time difference from Jaboticabal:

Los Angeles****|-4
Mexico City***|-3
New York*|-1
Rio de Janeiro|0

[*1] -03 = America/Sao_Paulo Time Zone

[*2] Languages in Brazil : • Portuguese/Brazil • Spanish • English • French

[*3] AC power plug:

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