About timein.org
What can you find on timein.org website?
- Find out what is exact local time in cities worldwide.
- What is the time zone for chosen location
- Compare time difference with other locations
- City position on the map
- Some key information about country or city (location, languages, GPS coordinates, population, distance from equator or poles, sunrise, sunset etc.)
Every language is translated by human translators, but due the universal structure, sometimes they may contain smaller grammar errors.
Time tools
- Time calculator
- Stopwatch
- Countdown timer
- Time zone list with GMT time difference
- Time zone abbreviations and full names
Date tools
- Calendar - universal, multilingual calendar for any year.
- Date calculator - add, subtract dates or days.
- Countdown to date (for example to New Year)
Other tools
- Latitude, longitude: Convert address to latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Distance calculator between two locations (driving and shortest distance)