Current Local time in Várpalota, Hungary
Question: What time is it in Várpalota? Answer: Várpalota (Veszprém) is located in "CEST" time zone [*1] (GMT offset in hours: +2) and daylight saving time is active (+1h) ⇒ Current Local time is (in moment when this page is generated): Monday, 07. October 2024, 10:53 Refresh page if necessary
Time change
Várpalota will switch to Standard (winter) time at 03:00, Sunday, 27 October 2024. Clock set: -1 h. Time left: 19 day, 16 hour(s), 6 minutes. (in moment when this page is generated)
» Várpalota Time change 2024, 2025 (Europe/Budapest) »
Várpalota info: | |
Country: | Hungary |
Currency: | HUF, Forint |
Continent: | Europe |
Population: | ≈ 21 299 = 2.134‰ HUN Population |
Elevation: | ≈ 158 m |
GPS coordinates | 47° 11' 57.7" North, 18° 8' 22.3" East |
Distance from * Equator: | 5248.1 km (3261 mi) |
Distance from * North pole: | 4759 km (2957.1 mi) |
Languages: [*2] | Hungarian/Hungary |
AC power plug | 230 V • 50 Hz • C,F [*3] |
Set Várpalota as your default city
Time of day in Várpalota now
06:55 |
18:15 |
Time difference from Várpalota:
Los Angeles | ********* | | | -9 |
Mexico City | ******** | | | -8 |
New York | ****** | | | -6 |
Rio de Janeiro | ***** | | | -5 |
London | * | | | -1 |
Moscow | +1 | | | * |
Dubai | +2 | | | ** |
Mumbai | +3.5 | | | *** |
Shanghai | +6 | | | ****** |
Tokyo | +7 | | | ******* |
Sydney | +9 | | | ********* |