Current Local time in Rottenburg an der Laaber, Germany

Question: What time is it in Rottenburg an der Laaber? Answer: Rottenburg an der Laaber (Bavaria) is located in "CEST" time zone [*1] (GMT offset in hours: +2) and daylight saving time is active (+1h) ⇒ Current Local time is (in moment when this page is generated): Thursday, 09. May 2024, 21:24 Refresh page if necessary

Time change

Rottenburg an der Laaber will switch to Standard (winter) time at 03:00, Sunday, 27 October 2024. Clock set: -1 h. Time left: 170 day, 5 hour(s), 35 minutes. (in moment when this page is generated)

» Rottenburg an der Laaber Time change 2024, 2025 (Europe/Berlin) »

Rottenburg an der Laaber info:
Country: Germany
Currency: EUR, Euro
Continent: Europe
Population: ≈ 7 702 = 0.094‰ DEU Population
Elevation: ≈ 446 m
GPS coordinates 48° 42' 8.4" North, 12° 1' 37.8" East
Distance from * Equator: 5415.2 km (3364.8 mi)
Distance from * North pole: 4591.9 km (2853.3 mi)
Languages: [*2] German
AC power plug 230 V • 50 Hz • C,F [*3]
Rottenburg an der Laaber on map

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Time of day in Rottenburg an der Laaber now



Time difference from Rottenburg an der Laaber:

Los Angeles*********|-9
Mexico City********|-8
New York******|-6
Rio de Janeiro*****|-5

[*1] CEST = Europe/Berlin Time Zone

[*3] AC power plug:

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